Glucose monitoring and Insulin Pumps

The New Zealand Context

Over the last few years there has been a rapid uptake and interest in glucose monitoring systems in Aotearoa. Following on from strong advocacy, Pharmac have made the decision to fund a range of continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps from October 1st 2024 for all people with type 1 diabetes. Many clinicians and whānau have questions about these devices. The Paediatric Society of New Zealand Clinical Network for Children and Young People’s Diabetes Services recognise this need and have put together the following two resources to provide comparison information of the systems that will be funded and available in New Zealand from October 1st.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems

Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) are devices that monitor glucose levels in people with diabetes. The devices are another tool for the management of diabetes. They can be helpful in minimising the number of finger-pricks required. They can also show patterns and trends in glucose levels. Certain systems will be available by Special Authority and prescription from October 1st 2024.

Side by side comparisons of Glucose Monitoring Systems

This comparison table of the features of the most current systems available (or going to be released) in New Zealand is designed to help you find the technology that best meets individual needs and preferences.

View or download the comparison table shown below via this link

Insulin Pumps

An insulin pump (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion) is a small device that constantly delivers rapid acting insulin. Insulin pumps reduce the need for multiple injections a day. When combined with a CGM this creates automated insulin delivery system. Initiation of insulin pump therapy is provided through local diabetes team who have specialised training and education.

Side by side comparisons of Funded Insulin Pumps

This comparison table is of the features of the two pumps that will be funded by Pharmac in New Zealand from October 1st 2024.

View or download the comparison information shown below via this link


Please note this information is constantly changing and will be updated as new details come in.