Tau AI TE IRA Logo

National Power to Protect Partners

Kahu Taurima is Te Whatu Ora’s approach to maternity and early years (pre-conception to five years old, or the 'First 2000 days of life') for all whānau in Aotearoa. (https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/for-health-professionals/health-workforce-development/maternity/kahu-taurima/)

In Aotearoa New Zealand more than 60,000 babies are born each year - so over 60,000 opportunities to support a healthier future for whānau.The first 2000 days lay the foundation for a child’s entire future; it is a critical period that impacts lifetime health and wellbeing. Evidence shows that by investing in whānau both antenatally and in the early years of life, we can make the biggest difference to lifelong and intergenerational wellbeing. Most brain development happens in the early years and this is influenced by the environment in which tamariki are brought up in and nurtured.

Tau Ai Te Ira aligns with findings and recommendations from multiple sources that led to the creation of Kahu Taurima: the Well Child Tamariki Ora Review, the Maternity Action Plan, the Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee (PMMRC), the National Maternity Monitoring Group (NMMG), and many others.

Tau Ai Te Ira provides a framework which embeds “shaken baby prevention” in the wider context of all services and strategies which seek to optimise the development of mokopuna and enable whānau health, wellbeing, aspirations, and goals in the first 2000 days. Many linkages to community partners are provided through this website and the TATI eLearning modules, but we welcome further collaboration across the motu.